What do Balenciaga, vegan meat, and cryptocurrencies have in common? Crises and scandals

Carolina Eslava

Speaker trainer
24 November, 2022

This week has been one of crises and scandals: the multimillion-dollar cryptocurrency fraud; mold found in a plant-based meat company; a luxury brand associated with “defending” the sexualization of minors (!!! BALENCIAGA, is that you); a shooting at a workplace. And the list goes on.

How to prepare your company to prevent, react quickly and correctly, and protect the reputation and profitability of the company? By having an updated crisis communication system. Please, don’t risk years or decades of work by not investing in prevention, detection, and timely reaction.

I’ll share a bit about the methodology we’ve developed to have professional indicators, tools, and measurements. If you’re interested in learning more about the topic or if I can help you clarify any doubts, I’d be happy to do so.

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